The National Trust Guide to Art Deco in America

David Gebhard

Using illustrations, this book discusses the Art Deco influence in the United States by state. Freely available online, for Kindle, as an ePub, and as a PDF.

APA Citation

Gebhard, David. (1996). The National Trust Guide to Art Deco in America. Retrieved from

Crome Yellow

Aldous Huxley

This book is recommended for its social commentary of life in the early 20th century in America. Freely available to read online, for Kindle, and as an ePub.

APA Citation

Huxley, Aldous. (1921). Crome Yellow. Retrieved from

Style Design Color Texture Dupont Fabrikoid

E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company

This book catalog is designed in the art deco style of the 1920s and 30s. Freely available to read online, for Kindle, and as an ePub or PDF.

APA Citation

E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company. (1930). Style Design Color Texture Dupont Fabrikoid. Retrieved from